Burnt Bookmobile

A Crime Called Freedom (now out of print)

A Crime Called Freedom by Os Congaceiros is now out of print seemingly with no second print run coming from Eberhardt Press.  The highly anticipated second volume translated by Wolfi Landstreicher is canceled as well.  As this was, in our opinion, one of the best books that Eberhard produced, it seems odd.

We have a just a few copies left…

From the description on the back of A Crime Called Freedom:

“Os Cangaceiros was a group of delinquents caught up in the spirit of the French insurrection of 1968 who refused to let that spirit die. With nothing but contempt for the self-sacrificial ideology practiced by “specialists in armed struggle”, this uncontrollable band of social rebels wreaked havoc on the French state — attacking infrastructures of oppression, supporting popular revolts, stealing and releasing secret blueprints for high-tech prisons, raiding the offices of corporate collaborators, and creating their lives in complete opposition to the world based on work. This volume, translated by Wolfi Landstreicher, is the first substantial collection of the writings of Os Cangaceiros in English.”

From the description of the second volume:

“The book was tentatively titled Millenarian Rebels during production, and the final working title was Outlaws of the Sertão. In this book, members of the French revolutionary group Os Cangaceiros write about their fierce Brazilian namesakes, as well as the millenarian groups of the dispossessed and the urban poor who joined together in movements of social reform at the dawn of the 20th century, only to find themselves in an apocalyptic struggle with the Brazilian state.”

However the contents of the first volume and some of the second are now available to download.

Volume I

volume II


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